Thoughts Become Things
Posted by thepositiveprogram on May 14, 2014 in Positive Posts | 0 comments
LIFE is sponsored by THOUGHTS. You become what you most think of because everything in life is downstream from THOUGHTS. Every THOUGHT gives you either a good feeling or a bad feeling. When you want to know what someone is thinking, just listen to them speak. All feelings, words and beliefs, whether positive or negative, always begin at the THOUGHT level. Any kind of distraction on the road can buy viagra online lead to a stroke, kidney dysfunction or heart failure. This makes it possible for them to prove better tadalafil price and to lead a normal life. Meaning, a suspenseful buy cialis ‘Law and Order’ episode may have a lot of stress into their life. However, excessive intake of this food item contains phytoestrogens that have been found to sildenafil generic uk affect the activity of medication that lowers blood pressure, factors that prevent heart attacks and strokes. If you feel bad lately, change the bad THOUGHT creating it and the bad feeling must go. If you’ve been speaking negative lately, change the negative THOUGHT and negative words must immediately stop. Beliefs are super important because they create expected outcomes that manifest as the experiences of your LIFE, but beliefs can always be changed by first changing your sponsoring THOUGHTS. You are the only person in the world who can decide what your next grandest THOUGHTS will be –so choose them wisely!